New paper from Smart Lab on GxE in shrub willow



Shrub willow is showing promise as a dedicated bioenergy crop in areas of North America. Early breeding efforts have demonstrated that its broad taxonomic diversity can be exploited for genetic improvement. However, a comprehensive evaluation of the yield potentials of currently available cultivars has not occurred in North America. We used the Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interactions (AMMI) model to explore genotype by environment interactions for the identification of broad and specific adaptation. We confirmed ploidy level as a key genetic factor involved in yield improvements which will be important for developing cultivar recommendations and informing future breeding work.

Go to the article now: Fabio, E. S., Volk, T. A., Miller, R. O., Serapiglia, M. J., Gauch, H. G., Van Rees, K. C.J., Hangs, R. D., Amichev, B. Y., Kuzovkina, Y. A., Labrecque, M., Johnson, G. A., Ewy, R. G., Kling, G. J. and Smart, L. B. (2016), Genotype by environment interactions analysis of North American shrub willow yield trials confirms superior performance of triploid hybrids. GCB Bioenergy. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12344