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Below you’ll find thumbnails that link to high-resolution images of willow planting, harvesting, and research. These images are copyright-protected. Feel free to use them for educational purposes and other non-profit uses with attribution to Cornell University. Otherwise, please do not use or distribute these images without permission.


Visit the Willowpedia YouTube channel for a full list of videos.

Virtual field tour with Larry Smart, Professor, Horticulture Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell AgriTech, for the National Association of Plant Breeders 2021 Conference.

Larry Smart talks about the willow breeding program at the Cornell Lake Erie Regional Grape Program, Portland, N.Y.


Time Warner Cable News: Researchers Provide Information Farmers Need to Improve Production, Quality of Crops

Gillibrand: $4.3 million program to support shrub willow energy crops in NY

Willow pollen collection

Willow biomass boiler

Small Plot Willow Harvesting

Shrub willow harvesters

Anderson BioBaler willow harvester

Henriksson willow harvester

New Holland willow harvester

Stemster by Nordic willow harvester

New Holland FR Harvester

Tully Willow Harvest-CRL head

Shrub Willow Planting: Step and Egedal Energy planters

Planting willow cuttings – Frobbesta planter

Step planter

Improvement of woody biomass traits of shrub willow for renewable energy and biofuels: Michelle Serapiglia, post-doctoral associate, Department of Horticulture seminar series, October 31, 2011