
Carlson CH, Gouker FE, Crowell CR, Evans LM, DiFazio SP, Smart DC, Smart LB. 2019. Joint linkage and association mapping of complex traits in shrub willow (Salix purpurea L.). Annals of Botany, in press, doi: 10.1093/aob/mcz047.

Fabio ES, Smart LB. 2018. Effects of nitrogen fertilization in shrub willow rotation coppice production – a quantitative review. GCB Bioenergy, 10: 548-564.

Fabio ES, Smart LB. 2018. Differential growth response to fertilization of ten elite shrub willow (Salix spp.) bioenergy cultivars. Trees, 34: 1-12.

Carlson CH, Choi Y, Chan AP, Serapiglia MJ, Town CD, Smart LB. 2017. Dominance and sexual dimorphism pervade the Salix purpurea L. transcriptome. Genome Biology and Evolution, 9: 2377-2394.

Volk TA, Berguson B, Daly C, Halbleib MD, Miller RO, Rials TG, Abrahamson LP, Buchman D, Buford M, Cunningham MW, Eisenbies M, Fabio ES, Hallen K, Heavey J, Johnson GA, Kuzovkina YA, Liu B, Mcmahon B, Rousseau R, Shi S, Shuren R, Smart LB, Stanosz G, Stanton B, Stokes B, Wright J. 2017. Poplar and shrub willow energy crops in the United States: field trial results from the multiyear regional feedstock partnership and yield potential maps based on the PRISM‐ELM model. GCB Bioenergy

Fabio ES, Volk TA, Miller RO, Serapiglia MJ, Kemanian AR, Montes F, Kuzovkina YA, Kling GJ, Smart LB. 2017. Contributions of environment and genotype to variation in shrub willow biomass composition. Industrial Crops and Products, 108: 149-161.

Fabio ES, Kemanian AR, Montes F, Miller RO, Smart LB. 2016. A mixed model approach for evaluating yield improvements in interspecific hybrids of shrub willow, a dedicated bioenergy crop. Industrial Crops and Products, 96: 57-70.

Carlson CH, Smart LB. 2016. Electrical capacitance as a predictor of root dry weight in shrub willow (Salix; Salicaceae) parents and progeny. Applications in Plant Sciences, 4(8):1600031

Fabio ES, Volk TA, Miller RO, Serapiglia MJ, Gauch HG, Van Rees KCJ, Hangs RD, Amichev BY, Kuzovkina YA, Labrecque M, Johnson GA, Ewy RG, Kling GJ, Smart LB. 2016. Genotype × environment interaction analysis of North American shrub willow yield trials confirms superior performance of triploid hybrids. GCB Bioenergy, 9: 445-459.

Serapiglia MJ, Gouker FE, Hart JF, Unda F, Mansfield SD, Stipanovic AJ, Smart LB. 2014. Ploidy-level affects important biomass traits of novel shrub willow (Salix) hybrids. BioEnergy Research, 8: 259-269.

Kenaley SC, Smart LB, Hudler GW. 2014. Genetic evidence for three discrete taxa of Melampsora (Pucciniales) affecting willows (Salix spp.) in New York State. Fungal Biology, 118: 704-720.

Serapiglia MJ, Gouker FE, Smart LB. 2014. Early selection of novel triploid hybrids of shrub willow with improved biomass yield relative to diploids. BMC Plant Biology, 14: 74.

Serapiglia MJ, Cameron KD, Stipanovic AJ, Abrahamson LP, Volk TA, Smart LB. 2013. Yield and woody biomass traits of novel shrub willow hybrids at two contrasting sites. BioEnergy Research, 6: 533-546.

Serapiglia MJ, Humiston MC, Xu H, Hogsett DA, Mira de Orduña R, Stipanovic AJ, Smart LB. 2013. Enzymatic saccharification of shrub willow genotypes with differing biomass composition for biofuel production. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4: 1-8.

Serapiglia MJ, Cameron KD, Stipanovic AJ, Smart LB. 2012. Correlations of expression of cell wall biosynthesis genes with variation in biomass composition in shrub willow (Salix spp.) biomass crops. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 8: 775-788.

Smart LB, Cameron KD. 2012. Shrub willow. In Kole C., Joshi C.P., Shonnard D.R. (eds.) Handbook of Bioenergy Crop Plants, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 687-708.

Lee SJ, Warnick TA, Pattathil S, Alvelo-Maurosa JG, Serapiglia MJ, McCormick H, Brown V, Young NF, Schnell DJ, Smart LB, Hahn MG, Pedersen JF, Leschine SB, Hazen SP. 2012. Biological conversion assay using Clostridium phytofermentans to estimate plant feedstock quality. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5: 1-14.

Puckett EE, Serapiglia MJ, DeLeon AM, Long S, Minocha R, Smart LB. 2012. Differential expression of genes encoding phosphate transporters contributes to arsenic tolerance and accumulation in shrub willow (Salix spp.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 75: 248-257.

Volk TA, Abrahamson LP, Cameron KD, Castellano P, Corbin T, Fabio ES, Johnson G, Kuzovkina-Eischen Y, Labrecque M, Miller R, Sidders D, Smart LB, Staver K, Stanosz GR, Van Rees K. 2011. Yields of biomass crops across a range of sites in North America. Aspects of Applied Biology, 112: 67-74.

Gibbs JP, Smart LB, Newhouse AE, Leopold DJ. 2011. A molecular and fitness evaluation of commercially available versus locally collected blue lupine Lupinus perennis L. seeds for use in ecosystem restoration efforts. Restoration Ecology, 20: 456-461.

Lin J, Gibbs JP, Smart LB. 2009. Population genetic structure of native versus naturalized sympatric shrub willows. American Journal of Botany, 96: 771–785.

Serapiglia MJ, Cameron KD, Stipanovic AJ, Smart LB. 2009. Analysis of biomass composition using high-resolution thermogravimetric analysis and percent bark content for the selection of shrub willow bioenergy crop varieties. BioEnergy Research, 2:1-9.

Purdy JJ, Smart LB. 2008. Hydroponic screening of shrub willow (Salix spp.) for arsenic tolerance and uptake. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 10: 515-528.

Teece MA, Zengeya T, Volk TA, Smart LB. 2008. Cuticular wax composition of Salix varieties in relation to biomass productivity. Phytochemistry, 69: 396-402.

Cameron KD, Phillips IJ, Kopp RF, Volk TA, Maynard CA, Abrahamson LP, Smart LB. 2008. Quantitative genetics of traits indicative of biomass production and heterosis in 34 full-sib F1 Salix eriocephala families. BioEnergy Research, 1: 80-90.

Serapiglia MJ, Cameron KD, Stipanovic AJ, Smart LB. 2008. High-resolution thermogravimetric analysis for rapid characterization of biomass composition and selection of shrub willow varieties. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 145: 3-11.

Smart LB, Cameron KD. 2008. Genetic improvement of willow (Salix spp.) as a dedicated bioenergy crop. In Vermerris, W. E. (ed.) Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops, Springer Science, NY, 347-376.

Kuzovkina YA, Weih M, Romero MA, Charles J, Hurst S, McIvor I, Karp A, Trybush S, Labrecque M, Teodorescu TI, Singh NB, Smart LB, Volk TA. 2008. Salix: Botany and Global Horticulture. Horticultural Reviews, Vol. 34, J. Janick (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, pp. 447-489.

Smart LB, Cameron KD, Volk TA, Abrahamson LP. 2008. Breeding, selection, and testing of shrub willow as a dedicated energy crop. NABC Report 19 Agricultural Biofuels: Technology, Sustainability, and Profitability, National Agricultural Biotechnology Council, Ithaca, NY, pp. 85-92.

Lin J, Gunter LE, Harding S, Kopp RF, McCord RP, Tsai CJ, Tuskan GA, Smart LB. 2007. Development of AFLP and RAPD markers linked to a locus associated with twisted growth in corkscrew willow (Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’). Tree Physiology, 27: 1575-83.

Volk TA, Abrahamson LP, Nowak CA, Smart LB, Tharakan PJ, White EH. 2006. The development of short-rotation willow in the northeastern United States for bioenergy and bioproducts, agroforestry and phytoremediation. Biomass & Bioenergy, 30: 715-727.

Cameron KD, Teece MA, Smart LB. 2006. Increased accumulation of cuticular wax and expression of lipid transfer protein in response to periodic drying events in leaves of tree tobacco. Plant Physiology, 140: 176-183.

Cameron KD, Moskal WA, Smart LB. 2006. A second member of the Nicotiana glauca lipid transfer protein gene family, NgLTP2, encodes a divergent and differentially expressed protein. Functional Plant Biology, 33: 141-152.

Smart LB, Volk TA, Lin J, Kopp RF, Phillips IS, Cameron KD, White EH, Abrahamson LP. 2005. Genetic improvement of shrub willow (Salix spp.) crops for bioenergy and environmental applications in the United States. Unasylva, 56: 51-55.

Plant Patents with co-inventors, Abrahamson LP, Kopp RF, Volk TA:

  • Fast-growing willow shrub named ‘Otisco’.  U.S. PP 17,997 issued Sept. 11, 2007.
  • Fast-growing willow shrub named ‘Tully Champion’. U.S. PP 17,946 issued Aug. 28, 2007.
  • Fast-growing willow shrub named ‘Owasco’. U.S. PP 17,845 issued July 3, 2007.
  • Fast-growing willow shrub named ‘Canastota’.  U.S. PP 17,724 issued May 15, 2007.
  • Fast-growing willow shrub named ‘Fish Creek’.  U.S. PP 17,710 issued May 8, 2007.
  • Fast-growing willow shrub named ‘Oneida’. U.S. PP 17,682 issued May 1, 2007.
  • Fast-growing willow shrub named ‘Millbrook’. U.S. PP 17,646 issued April 24, 2007.

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